About Us
For generations, your firefighters have selflessly and courageously carried out the oath of protecting our neighbors, and Sacramento Area Firedighters Local 522 works to make sure those firefighters continue to answer the call for years to come. Our association represents 1,900 firefighters from eight different agencies including Sacramento Fire, Sacramento Metro Fire, Cosumnes Fire, West Sacramento Fire, Folsom Fire, Sacramento County Airport Fire, South Placer Fire, and Lincoln Fire.
Our association’s members provide all-hazards emergency response to our communities, allowing them to provide our residents with everything from exceptional firefighting capabilities, to technical rescue and hazardous materials response. Our members also make up Task Force 7, which is a FEMA urban search and rescue team that responds to natural disasters and emergencies throughout the country.

In The Community
When we’re not in the fire station or responding to calls, our members are active in the community through a number of charitable events. We make up one of California's premier honor guard teams, and we also created the Firefighters Burn Institute, which provides burn survivors with support, resources and recovery programs, and we also support two 9/11 remembrance events in our area: the 9/11 Run to Remember and the Sacramento Area Firefighters 9/11 Memorial Climb.